Up to 1993  

Taupo Thrusting Contractors Ltd

I worked for TTCL from the time I left school, as TTCL was established and managed by my parents, John and Diane Habib. This was a time when there was no Directional Drills in New Zealand and underground services were installed via pneumatic thrusting tool’s or (Grundomat’s) which was how a lot of the GAS was installed around Taupo by Taupo Thrusting Contractors.

Many a times we were to install a steel sleave across state highways or under trans-rail railways or even areas that were known to be volcanic vents or hot spots and then install the gas pipe inside for protection.

Working for TTCL, I learnt many different kinds of pipe installation techniques from, Pipe Ramming, Pipe Cracking, Pipe jacking and then when Directional drilling became known to New Zealand, I became quickly acquainted to this new form of pipe installation.

I learnt very quickly the directional drilling technique, in the volcanic Taupo conditions and then moved on around the country directional drilling in many different ground conditions and learning about what many different kind of drilling muds do to help with drilling and also the continuity and life of the product we are installing in the ground, in ALL ground conditions.      

1994 – 2000  

Connetrix Ltd

Connetrix Ltd was also owned by my parents, which later went into partnership dew to the size of the company because of the contract it had, which was to install the Cable TV throughout New Zealand, starting with the main cities, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, after witch, Telecom pulled the contract from Ericsson’s due to the contract signed with Connectrix Ltd. I drilled in all these areas during this time.

Amongst these I drilled under rivers and jobs that were of a very difficult nature.

2001 – 2005      

Evo Construction Ltd  

I opened this company and was the sole contractor to my parents company’s installing power pipes and cable for North Power and  Power-Co in the BOP areas. After I moved this company to Christchurch to contract to the new owner of Connetrix Ltd, working on the Telstra Satan network. This company I eventually closed down due to work flow and recession.

2006 – 2008  

Bayonne Construction Ltd

I worked for Bayonne Construction through the recession period, where I was one of the sight drill managers, where I drilled the most difficult contracts on the power network.

2009 -  2016    

Home Fibre Services Ltd

While working for Bayonne Construction Ltd, my father was awarded an on-going contract on the UFB project, where he asked me to be apart of. My father had the contract in his company Home Fibre Solutions Ltd and we opened up a company together under Home Fibre Solutions Ltd called Home Fibre Services Ltd.

Home Fibre Services built most of the UFB network in Taupo, then during the Taupo UFB build, I moved to Whakatane where I built all of the UFB and was the only company to do so there, creating a very good relationship with the council there.

2017 – Now    

MAC Civil Construction Ltd

Over the last three years Mac Civil Construction has completed many contracts ranging from pipe size, 650mm, 450mm, 355mm, 315mm and many of the normal sizes ranging from 280mm to 25mm.

MAC has also completed contracts where the annulus around the installed product was to be grouted.

Mac has various techniques and way in grouting the annulus area around a pipe, depending on ground condition, Ground Slope and pipe size. Mac has at it’s disposal, various types of products ie (Bentonites & Polymers) to not only help with the installation of the product but also the longevity of the product in all type’s of ground conditions, ranging from, Hard or loose rock, Sand and saltwater, pumice or any kind of volcanic rock or hot or vented areas.

There are many different ways to deal with volcanic vented area, Mac has the ability to re-route and block these or run the product through these and grout around the product and by-pass the vent around the product if needed. The normal protocol of MAC in any heated area is to bore a bigger hole and grout the area with a very high viscosity bentonite.

All other ground types are quite easy to deal with.

Mac has drilled many major river crossings successfully, the most recent one being a 180m drill shot under the Rangitaiki River.

This was very urgent from the councils perspective and needed to be completed in a couple of day as the old pipe was lacking underneath the river. This was a very important job due to the fact that this river was very close to the sea and if any frack-outs were to occur, would go straight into the sea, and was also under the scrutiny of the Regional Council and the Whakatane District Council. The Job went well and as to plan.

Mac plans to continue good and friendly relationships with its clients and is all about good communication.

Mac Civil also provides these services:

Installing new lights for the council on football fields, Whakatane airport, and streets.

We have our own reinstatement team, where we reinstate, hotmix and concrete, up to the size of driveways and also patch area in the corridor.